Sunday, January 11, 2009

Down the road.

Down the road I want to drive a cute sporty SUV with no car seats in the back. For now I will have to settle for a mini-van littered with snack wrappers and hair bands.

Down the road I want to be able to sleep in on a Saturday and read a novel in my pj's all day by a roaring fire. For now I will have to learn to love early wake ups and dozens of errands.

Down the road I want to vacation with my husband in the tropics without guilt or responsibility. For now I will enjoy family vacations with the kids including the hours in the car and lots of trips to the bathroom.

Down the road I want to make gourmet meals from scratch and enjoy them by candle light. These days macaroni and cheese and chocolate milk will have to do.

Down the road I want to listen to the music I enjoy and watch the tv shows that I like. For the moment I will deal with Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers along with Sponge Bob and American Idol.

Down the road I want to be able to talk on the phone whenever and for however long I want. For now I will be content with cutting the calls short to help with homework or to referee a fight. Unless I hide in the bathroom and ignore the chaos that breaks out every single time the phone rings.

Down the road I want to be able to focus on my training and nutrition and be able to run a marathon. Right now I will have to settle for fitting it in when I can and reach a goal of a 3K.

Down the road I hope Caroline finds a voice, Olivia finds herself and Amelia ...well I hope Amelia avoids the law. For now I will settle for Caroline worrying less about a bully, Olivia only crying every other week at school and Amelia telling me she had a bad dream about being put in jail. At least it was a BAD dream.

Down the road I hope to be able to say NO sometimes. For now I will continue to say yes to every ones wants, needs and requests.

Way down the road I hope to be sitting in a rocking chair next to Chris rocking my sweet grand babies. For now I get to sit in a rocking chair and dress and undress baby dolls, Barbies and Polly pockets over and over.


heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Great post! I feel the same way.

Tonya said...

I want the down the road too! I do love my life now but as the kids get older the better things get :)