Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Aging gracefully...HA.

I hate that every time I look in the mirror I see new wrinkles popping up around my eyes and lines stretching across my forehead. I hate that when I look at myself in the mirror I feel like my boobs are closer to my waist or maybe my waist is closer to my boobs. Either way it sucks. I wear more lotions and potions now then I ever did in my 20's to try an reverse the hands of time. I will always remember when a close friend who is a few years older then me hit 35 and told me she starting using anti aging cream at night...I being only 33 was shocked because I hadn't quite hit that stage of reality yet. But don't you know that when I hit 35 I started the nightly regimen. Only recently I have started wearing more makeup too. For years I hardly wore any at all but now if I don't put it on I feel less then attractive. The big question is who is actually judging my attractiveness?? I am sure it isn't any of the women that I know personally because they are all busy judging their own sags and wrinkles as harshly as I am judging my own.
I think the hardest part of this whole aging thing is the fact that I still feel like I am 20 and when I picture myself in my head I see the young smooth me but then I step in front of the mirror and I see the real now me. I love myself inside so much more now than at 20. I am sure of myself and my thoughts and beliefs. I would certainly NEVER want to be 20 again unless of course I could have the inside ME from now and the outside ME from then...that would be perfect. Too bad life doesn't work that way!


Abbi said...

girl, i'm sure your there not as bad as you think they are! we all got them!!! even at 24!!

Beth said...

LOL talk to me in 10 years :) In reality I know that everything gets better with age!

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister!

Anonymous said...

You look great Beth. I always tell myself to appreciate how I look now, because 10 years from now I will have even more wrinkles and miss the way I look now!
