Friday, January 9, 2009

The smell of memories!

Isn't it funny how images or smells can trigger memories?? I have been going through a lot of old pictures lately and that brought on my post about my siblings. Today I was at the grocery store and opened the door in the bakery case to get Amelia a cookie and the sweet smell of baked goods brought back a slew of memories. When I was in high school I worked in a little family owned bakery with one of my good friends for 2 or 3 years. I am pretty darn sure that is why Chris and I started dating. I would get all the day old baked goods and I would always give them to him. Sometimes on Saturday mornings we would have customers 10 deep rattling off orders for dozens of danishes and doughnuts. When the owners left for the day in the afternoons my friend and I would sneak our friends in the back and we would have fun frosting cakes and cookies and playing around. At the end of the day I remember having to clean and disinfect the whole store and having to count the money and put it in the safe in the floor and then having to lock up. Now it seems like a huge responsibility for a 15/16 year old but back then I remember enjoying all the freedom a job and money gave me.
I used to come home from work smelling like doughnuts and pastries (Chris probably liked that too). Even after a shower I could still smell the disgustingly sweet odor on my skin. I think it took about five years after I stopped working there to be able to eat a doughnut, cake or cookie. Hey, maybe I need to start working in a bakery again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to apply at the grocery store tonight for the bakery department. That is the PERFECT job for my diet :)
