Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The church of being a good person.

My two older kids are at an age where they are starting to get asked what church we go to....the answer is none. That answer apparently leads to shock and disbelief among 8 and 10 year olds (and to tell the truth among 30-40 year olds too). Then my kids come to me and want to know why we don't go to church. What I tell them is that it is how you live your life every day not whether you go to church every Sunday. We are good people. We care about others and follow the law. We don't do this because we are in fear of eternal damnation we do it because we want too. I have no problem at all with people who choose to attend church but for petes sake keep your laws off my body! Don't tell your kids to recruit my kids to come to church and when they don't want too, look down on them as lesser humans or people who have just not "found" God yet. Don't tell my kids that because Obama was elected President babies are going to get thrown in fires. If my children decide to go to church in the future or if they choose to be homosexual (even though I think you are born that way) I will support them because that is what parents do. For now our choice is to continue to be good people and live our lives accordingly.

By the way I totally realize I am going to hell so you don't need to leave a comment and tell me :)


Anonymous said...

I'll pray for your soul.

Laura - Are We Nearly There Yet Mummy? said...

My children go to a church school, as did I. We don't go to church and to be honest I would consider myself an atheist.

Should be interesting conversations in our house as the 2 and 4 year old get older!

Anonymous said...

Alrighty then!!!



lissa said...

You will be in heaven for all of your goodness!!!