Sunday, January 25, 2009

Not me Monday!

I am once again participating in the blog carnival Not me Monday! Started by Mckmama over at My Charming Kids!

I could never have taken the kids to Target just to waste time... that would have been silly and caused me to spend lots of money.

My sister and I did NOT take 5 kids out to dinner and ply them with pop and mini donuts to keep them quiet. NO WAY, that would have been bribery!

I seriously did not consider making a tape of myself saying "find something to do!" "clean up your mess" and "time for bed" so I didn't have to repeat it over and over ....

There is no way I made Chris go shopping with the girls and I at Justice (major tween shop) especially not on his birthday weekend...nope not me!

I did NOT watch 48 Hours Mystery the other night even though I knew the person would be convicted because they always are and I did NOT tell myself I have to stop watching this show...even though I know I won't.

I didn't start hyperventilating when I saw the forecast for MORE snow this week that could delay or cancel school once again...that would have been silly!

There is no possible way I woke up at 3am because I heard the Wii music echoing in my head only to realize it was a horrible nightmare about the mii's chasing after me.


Tonya said...

those Mii's can be kinda creepy!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I would never make my husband go shopping with the kids either!!

Justice is the new name for Limited Too, isn't it? Are the clothes the same quality and price?

Happy Monday.

Beth said...

Justice and Limited Too merged together...Justice has a little younger clothing I think but the quality is pretty good and the sale racks and coupons = good deals!

All Things Family said...

too funny about the Wii...and I didn't know they closed schools in the midwest when it snowed..I thought you guys walked to school through 20 feet of snow! We close school here if a flake hits the ground.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I have NOT taken my kiddos to Target to waste time either. (Love it when my hubby asks "what did you go there to get?" and I just shrug...)
Great list! I'm off to go record myself saying "Logan, do you have to go potty?" and "Jack, please stop hitting your brother!"