Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Is it really Monday?? Wouldn't know it around here since we have TODAY and TOMORROW
off...anyway continuing the tradition started over on My Charming Kids of Not Me Monday!

When the kids got off the bus Thursday saying YAY they called school off tomorrow for extreme coldness I didn't say OH NO you must be mistaken....that would mean you would have a FIVE day weekend only to walk inside to a message actually confirming the fact that school was called off!

I didn't let the kids stay up as late as they wanted more then one night this weekend in hopes they might sleep in a little in the morning...that would have been selfish!

I didn't shed tears over the plane crashing into the Hudson that would be so unlike me...I also didn't thank the heavens it wasn't Chris in the plane since he was flying to N.Carolina that very day.

I would never have eaten pizza three nights in a row and loved every minute of it ...nope not me!

There is no way I heard Caroline sneeze and realized her sneeze is MY sneeze and then get a little sentimental about it...that would have been weird and definately not Beth like.

I could never have told Amelia that if she talked sassy to me one more time I was going to pick her up by her toes and drag her to her room...that would be so mean and childish.


Heather said...

I threaten to hang Wesley up by his toenails!At least he knows I'm kidding.

Wayne said...

Great not me monday