Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Through the looking glass.

I have been dredging up lots of old high school memories lately. Seeing lots of old names and faces through Facebook has been making me really think. Now we all seem to be on an even playing field. Everyone seems normal and friendly and I certainly have people on my friends list that I would have never been real friends with in high school. This certainly goes both ways. There are people I would not have given the time of day too and also people who would not have glanced twice at me.
I remember the great importance that was placed on what clothes you wore and how you styled your hair in high school. What I remember more vividly though is the importance placed on who was friends with who. There were certain crowds ...the athletes...the rock star wanna be's...the prom queens...the nerds and so on. I was one of those people that never really fit into any one group which was good and bad. I worked hard to try and fit into every group at least partly but then in the end I never really managed to feel I belonged. Don't get me wrong I have a few very close friends that I still talk to and love today but it wasn't the same as being part of one of the sought after groups.
What I really wish is that I could hold up a looking glass in front of my three daughters eyes and that they could peer in and see how none of that stuff really matters in the grand scheme of things. I would somehow show them that high school politics do not have any bearing on how you turn out as an adult. Instead of hoping for magic to relay the message to them I am going to have to hope that I am doing a good job helping them build the self confidence and self worth necessary to make it through the shark filled waters. I am hoping that my unconditional love and support will be enough.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Oh how I can so relate to this post. I wasn't an outsider as I was on the Pom squad but I just felt like I didn't really fit with any group either. I wonder what it will be like for my kids.