Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me Monday!

Time for the Monday confessions!
-NO way I got up at 5am on Thanksgiving to go to Meijer to try and get a great deal. I would never sacrifice sleep for a deal..not me!
-I would never hide the pumpkin bread my mom made in the back of the fridge so no one else would eat it..not in a million years :)
-It would not have been at all nice of me to absolutely dread and despise the day yesterday spent with Chris's relatives and I am sure it was terrible of me to use his phone to continually comment about the hideousness of it all on Facebook.
-Amelia could never have told her sister Olivia she hated her this morning because she copied her hair style and I could not have been laughing under my breath about it being an ultimate betrayal to copy a hairstyle at the age of 4.
-I did NOT bribe Amelia with a hot chocolate from Strabuckles to be good at a store this morning. I would never stoop to doing something like that.
-I certainly didn't just tell Amelia that if she didn't stop hugging the cat so tight that she would go to jail.

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