Friday, December 12, 2008

My obsession with Facebook.

I started a Facebook page a few months ago. At first I would forget about it and when I remembered I would stop in and glace through my few friends quickly. For some reason the attraction to it has snowballed and I am obsessed. I have so many friends now I forget who is even on there and can spend hours clicking through everyones pictures and messages to others. WHY do I care about who is going for coffee and WHAT temperature it is 1000's of miles away from me? WHY do I update my page so others can read how I feel and what I am doing? Best of all I have people as friends who I don't even know or at least haven't spoken to in years. Why am I obsessed with people who are complete strangers? It is totally addictive just like cigarettes to a smoker or Twinkies to a dieter. I try to stay off of it for days or even hours (OK who are we kidding minutes) just to prove I can..but always end up caving. What is the appeal?
Admitting it is the first step to recovery right?...
OK off to check Facebook....

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