Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Road Construction.

You know how when you are moving along on a smooth road in life and all of a sudden you hit a speed bump? I am wondering if these bumps are out there to send us reeling onto another path to our certain destiny. Our small subdivision has been redistricted for the 2010 school year which means my kids will have to switch schools with only a handfull of familiar faces to a sea of new faces. It also means we have a WHOLE year plus to worry and wonder before the change actually happens. I wonder if this change will alter the course of friendships and education for the girls. Maybe there is a one of them will meet their future husband or the best friend they will every have (trying to stay positive here). Maybe they will have the teacher that inspires them to go to medical school. I am trying really hard to take the changes as they come and adapting to them as well as I possibly can. I know from past experience that these bumps are going to come again and again in my lifetime. A friend has had a few bumps of her own lately to deal with too. She is ending a toxic marriage despite her desire to keep her family together and her kids safe and happy. She is leaving her home and displacing her kids which will no doubt cause chaos and struggle When the dust settles I believe that these bumps in her road will lead to a happier safer more positive life for her and her kids. I hope that she starts on a new road, one with lots of new adventures and more importantly one where she feels loved and needed.
I keep reminding myself that that roller coaster feeling as you ride up the hill can sometimes lead to the most thrilling ride of your life!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Those changes are always hard. But like you said it could be the best thing for the girls and your family. Hold on to that hope!