Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Mother load of guilt.

Ever since my children were born the one emotion I have been able to excel at is guilt. Starting with the guilt over choosing not to breastfeed followed by the guilt of using disposable diapers. On any given day I am sure I could find a dozen things to feel guilty over. From the kids not getting enough sleep and the right things to eat all the way down to them not having matching socks every morning. Mom's expect themselves to be loving, organized, friendly, creative and accomplished in every aspect of their lives and when they don't live up to their own expectations guilt creeps right in and takes hold. The minute the kids get off the bus we rush them to their activities and then feel guilty we didn't have dinner together as a family. If our kids are slow to potty train or ride a two wheeler then once again: guilt. Our society supports the notion that if something goes wrong with the child it is usually the mothers fault.
We try to juggle being a wife, mother, cook, housekeeper, friend but end up feeling like we aren't doing any one of them as well as we would like and feeling guilty about that.
How do we lessen the feeling of hurry, inadequacy and unobtained success? How do we make it easy to breath deeply and slowly and enjoy the process of motherhood and the small daily joys our children bring us?

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I would say having a relationship with Christ and leaning on Him in the hard times and giving Him your guilt when it creeps in. I say that but I don't always do that.