Thursday, May 28, 2009

Schools Out for the Summer!

With school coming to a rapid close I told Chris we need to sit down tonight and get a list of summer time rules together. I want to present them to the kids with a united front at a special dinner artfully disguised as a celebratory end of school meal. I thought I would share with you my own preliminary list.

1) Standing outside Dad's office door and having an argument is strictly forbidden unless I am mad at him..then it is strongly encouraged.

2) Leaving a trail of snack wrappers throughout the house is not allowed unless it is to mark a path back inside from the yard that will be used only when it gets dark and leads straight to your bed.

3) Saying mean or nasty words is not acceptable unless you lock yourself in the bathroom to say them.

4) Listening to music or the TV too loud is against the rules unless it is drowning out fighting or whining.

5) Lights out at 9:30 unless the kids in the neighborhood are out playing, there is a good TV show on or you are involved in a good book.

6) Complete your chores before playtime even though in all likelihood I will go back and redo each of them up to my specifications.

7) Don't beg for play dates unless you are willing to make your room as clean as I want it to be.

8) Realize that I will not buy one more Justice or Aeropostle shirt unless you learn to do your own laundry AND put it all away.

9) When I say it is OK to get a healthy snack don't kid yourself into believing I mean potato chips or Oreo's.

10)Hitting, hissing at and pinching your sisters is not acceptable unless it is part of a show that I am watching while sipping my favorite cocktail.

Wonder if Chris will make me edit this list.....


Tina Michelle said...

Good rules!

mummyof6monsters said...

hahaha, Now make about 50 copies and tape them all aver the house,lol,

Stacy said...

I am praying for you:)