Monday, July 20, 2009

Paper Thin

Today when I was putting on my same old gray v-neck t shirt and I had one of those vivid flashing memories that you see in the movies. I had this vision of a girl I knew in high school. She seriously prided herself on having a different outfit for every day...never re-wearing things for a month or MORE at a time. Now that I look back I see things that I missed then. This girl was unhealthy and totally obsessed by her eating and body. She was a bigger and taller girl to begin with and then joined the swim team and lost weight. Then she began to obsess about what she ate. I remember her telling me with a smile that she ate Cheerios mixed with Diet Coke or water for breakfast every day and brussel sprouts on saltines for lunch. At the time I didn't even bat an eye at these idiotic choices. I actually tried it once and as I was gagging I thought how cool she was to be able to stomach it. At one point I am completely certain I would have been able to see directly through her paper thin body if I would have looked hard enough. Everyone was aware of her sickly phisique yet no one bothered to tell her how harmful it could be. How things change! I now wear the same 3 or 4 rotating outfits not because I don't have other clothes but because I don't want to dig down into the totes in my closet to find anything else. I laugh at people who spend time trying to be a fashion plate on a daily basis. Life is way too short to waste time on such skin deep endeavors . When I eat I think about the savory flavors and the nutrients going into my body and how it will make me be able to run faster or play harder. I don't think about how to obtain a skeletor like frame or how to be skinnier then my friends. The biggest problem is it took me 20 years to figure all this out. How do I teach my daughters that there is more to life then expensive clothes and a skinny ass??


Anonymous said...

Ok this is your best BLOG yet!!! I could not agree more. The last sentence made me spit water it is so funny. ((((((((HUGS))))) Heidi

Anonymous said...

Cheerios and diet coke? That is just nasty!!


Mary Ellen said...

when you find out... let me know. I'll need to teach my daughters the same thing.