Thursday, January 7, 2010


As I get older I seem to be able to see the need to surround myself with people that are a positive influence on my well being. Relationships that are healthy contain something that both parties can contribute. There is a good amount of give and take and everyone benefits from the union. In the past I have had people I thought were friends who seemed to suck every last drop out of me. People who took and took and just when you thought they were done they took some more. I was just as much to blame as them though because I sat back and surrendered. Letting them walk all over me one way and then slowly and deliberately turn around and walk back the other way. I felt like by giving everything I could I was being a good friend. I still think giving a lot of yourself is important in friendship but taking is important too. When I hit the 30 year mark years ago I had a few really important realizations. First that wine is the nectar of the God's and second that a friend doesn't make you feel inept and uncomfortable (whether those two things have any connection I don't know but they happened simultaneously so I thought I would mention it :) What I have found is that people that turn out to be true friends, in for the long haul, are people who have something you need and want something you have. Opposites attract in love but also in friendship. Most of the people I consider my real true friends are those who I admire for their differences. People that I can learn from and who want to learn from me. Today I surround myself with people who enrich my experiences. People that through mutual support, communication, trust, honesty and unconditional love have enhanced the quality of my life.

1 comment:

ishatrisha said...

drama free, way to be! i've had to shed a few friends who were always causing drama! also, true friends are around for more than just a good time. as an adult, i want to share my life with the friends who are around for...births, birthdays, play dates, anniversaries, and everything in between! your right, friendship goes both ways, like in any other relationship. thats a good lesson for our kids to learn too!
