Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Constructive or Destructive?

We all want reassurance in our lives. Everyone likes to hear someone tell them what a great job they have done or how fantastic they are. So we ask opinions. We say we want want to know honest reactions. The problem is when you put yourself out there for judgement the reaction can never be all positive. No matter how constructive criticism is it is still finding flaws in whatever it is you are doing. Criticism of any kind can be destructive if you let it overcome you. On the other hand finding the constructive part within the critical part can open a whole new door into what you can achieve. Once you wallow past the initial embarrassment and irritation of someone finding negative parts to your work you can let yourself digest the advice and use it to better yourself and your craft. People who are unable to do this often fail to reach for new and different goals. The hardest part for me is facing the person who gives me harsh, constant criticism. The person that forgets to add the constructive part or if they do it is so far hidden I can't seem to find it no matter how hard I search. Me.

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