Sunday, June 21, 2009

Shuck that Shell

I think it is sometimes easy to prejudge people by first impressions but when you really think about it there is just so much more. I was always so deep inside my shell that everyone thought I was snobby and self righteous but in reality I was just super duper shy and lacked confidence and self esteem. Inside that turtle shell I felt warm and comfy and without anxiety or pressure. The more time I spent inside the shell the harder it was to think about venturing out. The only problem was there was no room for anyone else in there so I was very lonely. Every time I would hear a word of gossip about me being stuck up it would push me farther in. As I got older and figured out a little more about who I was and what I wanted I began to loosen my grip on the inside of the shell and peek out. Eventually I found that it is easier to be on the outside then all alone on the inside. I guess what I am trying to say is that when you meet someone that you perceive as being snobby or untouchable it could be that they are in reality extremely shy and lonely. I remind myself of this often when I meet new people who come across as unfriendly and sometimes even downright rude. I try to use patience and not form an impression or judgement right away. I especially want my kids to give people a chance before judging because I know how it feels to be on the other side.


mummyof6monsters said...

that is so true! I love your blog and your honesty:)

Trail In Progress said...

Hey-Thanks for the comment. I'm glad to see other people hate the treadmill. I think I'm sort of mutant sometimes-so many people run on those things, why can't I just do it, too!?

Also-great post. It is so easy to judge other people, but so rewarding when you take the time to know other people well.

Have a great day,

Tonya said...

Interesting! I am so not shy. good to know for the future :)