Thursday, June 11, 2009

On Thin Ice.

The last few weeks are finally catching up to me. I feel like I am skating on very thin ice. I am stressed, anxious and just an all around grump. I feel like I am at the absolute end of being able to function in a normal "Beth" sort of way. Like at any moment I am going to say or do something so wrong I won't be able to take it back or fix it. It is like when you start out having to carry one really heavy seems easy and totally conceivable that you can carry it. Then you add another and another and you are trying to adjust yourself to carry them all with out dropping them on your foot. Seems like I have had a lot of those stress bricks lately and I am ready for it to STOP before they tumble on to my foot or someone else's and cause pain and misery. I am trying to find it in me to take things with a grain of salt and laugh off the stress but it is getting harder and harder. I hope this weekend I might be able to regroup and set all the bricks down go I can regain my usual abilty to enjoy the challenges of life.


mummyof6monsters said...

bad days suck, hope tomorrow is better:)

Stacy said...

Poor Beth!! Have an extra glass of wine it's the weekend.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry Beth, I hope it gets better for you.