Have you ever noticed how all things in life are cyclical?? Things run smoothly for a while but then a period of rough times comes along. The smoother the time the more invincible you feel and the harder it is to remind yourself that the tougher times are coming. When things seem tough and you get sucked under it is almost impossible to see that it is only a matter of time until things even out again. A lot of that really depends on investing yourself in the concept of trust. To have a confident expectation of something in the future. What we know to be true through past experience is likely to happen again. We know the sun will rise every morning and set at night because we have seen it before. We are confident it will happen tomorrow because it happened today. Things are rough now but I trust that soon they will revert back to the smooth sailing. My cross to bare may not be as big as some I have heard lately but it is still my burden to struggle with. For now I am relying on the certainty of the future and all I trust it has in store for me.
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