Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Mall.

I think it is interesting how the mall cycles with life. Babies hate to go to the mall..they are trapped in strollers and overcome with noise and bright sounds. Kids who are 4 til about 9 will go only if they are promised a snack and a toy. When they hit 10 or 11 they BEG to go to the mall to troll around to the tween stores and count out their coins to buy small treasures. Around 14 or 15 they go with their friends minus any parents and enjoy the freedom to hold hands with their boyfriends and text each other across the store. Around 18 or 20 they get jobs IN the mall and use their store discount to purchase the newest trends. Once they hit 25-30 you really only go to the mall if you have something specific you are looking for and can run in and out quickly. After 30 the mall becomes a serious annoyance that they (meaning ME)try to avoid at all costs. Problem is by then you have kids in their tweens begging you to take them to the mall. A vicious mall cycle.


Abby said...

I still love going to the mall even though I am 32. I FEEL 15(and have the maturity of a 15 year old) so, that is probably why.A 15 year old w/credit cards can be very dangerous! Just ask Jer...

Abbi said...

that's so true! i love the mall! i think i could live in it! but when i have my little one it's normally a quick trip!!! hates her stroller!

AmyT said...

ha hit the nail on the head!