Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beth's Affirmations.

We all go through times when a million things are happening at once. Stuff that causes the stress level to rise and the patience level to plummet. Feelings of fear of the unknown cause the need to shut yourself in a room and cover your ears and scream like a horror movie star or sit in the corner and grasp your knees and rock in the fetal position. When all this stuff creeps in I have found a revolutionary method to counter act it. I have decided to dig deep and remember why I am a good person. What makes me value myself in life. Things that make me happy and that I do to make other people happy.

I am eternally loyal. NOT exactly like a dog since I don't stick my tongue out and wag my tail but pretty darn close. I like being someone my friends and family can count on and trust. I enjoy being the one they can come to for help or celebration. It makes me feel loved.

Seeing my children using the tools I have taught them puts a smile on my face. I hear them say please or thank you or see them show empathy toward another and my heart just soars. I am not that horrible of a parent! They are learning and internalizing the things that are important.

Laughing. Sometimes at myself sometimes at other people. Finding humor in almost anything makes it more bareable. I try, through writing, to inspire humor and laughter.

Acceptance of diversity. I am proud of my ability to find inspiration in differences. I like it when people disagree with me or show me a different angle. It makes me reshape my original position and understand where others are coming on.

The relationship I have with my husband. Trust without speaking it, understanding through actions and high impact support. I see our past and our future and it makes me smile.

In the end I hope remembering these things about myself helps me appreciate my life and who I am. I know there is a another list probably twice as long someplace listing the stuff that makes me not so great but for now I am trying to turn my pessimistic ways around and focus on the positive. I am good enough (for now), I am smart enough (for today) and doggone people like me (at least I pretend they do).


Jillian said...

I love your blog and I for some reason this post made me tear up!

Beth said...

Thanks Jillian...I appreciate you saying that!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing person--most importantly, I love the Stuart Smalley reference!

Trail In Progress said...

I loved this post. And your god, they're adorable-and look at you! Your kids are too grown up for you to be so young! I'll just go ahead and say mom!!!! by the way...Sorry, thats just me filling my daily quota of inappropriate comments to people I don't really know!!

Seriously though, I love reading your blog, and don't really say so enough.