Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pay No Attention to the Crazy Lady Behind the Curtain

I am having one of those parental conundrums and I feel like the joke is on me. It is like I can't step up to the plate and make the choices I need to make. I keep trying to get there but I keep slipping and falling in the mud. Inside my brain I still feel like I am the kid and not the parent. I want to hide in the corner and let the real adult take over. Instead here I am covered in mud and trying make decisions that will affect my children now and for the rest of their lives. One slip and I might end up with a bank robber or a hooker in the making. Obviously I am exaggerating a tiny bit but the reality is that the choices seem just that crucial. Maybe I should just fall back on all that training I received before I had children to assure that I would be a good parent. That test I had to take to get that license to prove I could parent with the best of them. OHHH that is right, parents don't need a license like fisherman do to catch FISH and real estate agents need to sell HOUSES. You give birth to a HUMAN BEING and two days later you get sent home to practice fly by the seat of your pants parenting..making it up as you go relying on our own perceptions other then a predetermined plan. The poor first kid is the voodoo doll that you practice with all your unsolicited tips as needles and if they survive and come out unscathed you might consider having a second child. Unfortunately each little voodoo doll is made of a unique material and the same needles that worked on your first certainly won't be as effective on your second or subsequent children. Sometimes all you can do is throw caution to the wind and learn from your mistakes. Luckily kids are much more resilient then their parents.


Suzanne said...

I don't know how you do it...it's like you're inside my head and living my life! I didn't even get to tell you all the band drama we had last week that resulted in my son having his mouth washed out with soap (for his rude behavior to someone outside our family), being grounded (for how he treated me, not once but twice in the same week!) and having to write a letter to his future band teacher (as the example of how he should have handled himself when things weren't going his way)...In the end, of course I felt like the mean/bad mom, but what else is new!

ishatrisha said...

I'm feeling you! I don't know what's to come with my kids in the future, but I am the one here to get them through it...good or bad, and guess what? The decisions that I make for them will make them who they are in the future...well, what if I make the wrong one? Who is going to tell me, "Its okay, you learned from your mistake". At what cost! I don't want to screw up! I want to be the perfect parent for each of my children, but like you said...there is no training or study course to give you a play by play...we just do what we can...and PRAY! now you've got me all worked up about this!
good luck, trisha

Blogking said...

Wanna see a crazy bitch? Suzie Cocktail has become the next female Borat for the Internet. Check her episodes out at http://suziecocktail.com