Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Chosen One

Let me preface this by saying that I love all three of my children to the depth of my soul and center of my being. They are all three beautiful, intelligent and special.

You know how it is as kids grown into new ages and stages and there are some you like better then others?? I have to say that if I was asked at any given moment who my favorite child is there might be a different answer. Sometimes I think Amelia is just the cutest most adorable smartest 5 year old. Other times I find her voice to be like nails on a chalk board and her shrill laugh sounds like the Devil himself. Sometimes I find Olivia's sensitive unique outlook to be an endearing quality. Other times I want to cover my ears so I can't hear the whining and crying and go running in the opposite direction. Sometimes I think Caroline's need to describe every single minute of her day to be cute and grown up . Other times the incessant jabbering makes me want to saw my ears off. I guess what I am trying to say is I have favorite parts of each of their personalities and when they are letting that part shine through then they are by far the chosen one. That might last a minute or a day or even a week but eventually they will fall away from the spotlight and another sister will pop in. Each enjoys their reign as queen. I think this is the quintessential lesson in sharing..don't you?


Anonymous said...

that is a really cute pic of AM laughing!

Rebekah said...

I found your blog on Mckmama's NMM list. I can totally relate to todays post. I have four children and the choice of "favorite" changes moment by moment.Of course we know we dont really have any "favorites" but you know what I mean. LOL Im not sure most people would blog about this, but I am glad you did because its very relatable. :)

Suzanne said...

You are so courageous to write about things that EVERY mother experiences at some point, but very few would ever be willing to admit! I have the challenge of not making Austin seem so perfect in his death that Peyton feels he could not live up to him or be as special as him...some days when his behavior is such that I want to "ring his neck" (like this week!), that's pretty hard to do! But I know, in a day or two everything will settle down and he'll make me the proudest mom on the planet all over again!