Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chatter From the Sidelines

Anyone who knows me knows that I am happy to sit back and watch. I would rather not participate. I like my comfy chair and my warm and safe place off to the side. I let others take the lead and I just watch and follow. I don't like to ruffle feathers. I am a people pleaser and people are usually more pleased when they are right. Lately though I have been thinking about standing up. I am thinking about leaving warm and comfortable for the unknown. The future depends on it. My child's future.

I am over the education system ignoring anyone who isn't making the grade. Anyone who might need extra support or specialized education. Throwing anyone who doesn't score above the national average on the tests under the bus. I don't think they know best. As a matter of fact I think educators need a crash course in individualizing education. Every kid deserves to be treated as an individual not a test score. Every single child. No pretending. No wool proverbially pulled over eyes. No empathetic nods and fictional stories to even the playing field. Nope. I can not be pushed back into my chair and given popcorn to shut me up.

If it sounds like my panties are in a bunch that is probably because they are. I am so tired of being told that this is just the way things are done. WHY is this the way they are done if they are not working?? Time is wasted, years are wasted. I vote for the schools every time. I support public education. I want to believe in our school systems and trust that they are able to follow through on their promises. At the moment I don't buy it. I have questions and I want them answered. I want to ruffle some feathers and I want to rock the boat.


bdogmama said...

You know what, when I end up speaking up about things (after I've mulled them over a million times in my mind), nine times out of ten I'm glad I did. And some of those times, other people actually share my question/concern but are also sitting back wondering if they should speak up.

Melissa Lasko said...

I am in complete agreement with every single word you wrote. To this point, my two school-age girls have "fit the mold," and I haven't had to muster my courage to do much to advocate for them. But I sure can see a time looming on the horizon -- when I send my youngest to school -- where I'm going to need to transform into growly mama bear and demand the system 'wake up.'

So go for it! I agree with bdogmama - you'll likely be happy you did. Good luck!

Circus Daily said...

Your children are lucky to have a mother who stands up for them. If more kids were as fortunate, our broken school systems, may be less...well....broke.

I agree with you, and offer my "online" support through times new roman. Go for it...be heard, make a difference...let them call you what they want, you'll find your followers and your critiques no matter where you look.