Friday, June 11, 2010

Heroes Aren't So Super

I have dreams a lot. They are always the same. I am a superhero. I have the answer to every one's problems and I rush around fixing everything. I leave a trail of smiles and laughter everywhere that I go. Then things turn dark and foreboding. I turn around and look at my own issues and I can't fix them. Typical superhero life. Focused on others and unable to focus on yourself. That is why sometimes hero's aren't as strong and unwavering as you think they are. Behind those capes they have hearts and emotions. They also make mistakes and don't always walk the straight and narrow. As kids we are always asked who our hero's are. Sometimes I think this is a bad approach. A hero is something out of a story. There is no such thing as someone who can sacrifice their own being to do for others. No one who is perfect. No one who can erase evil and do eternal good. Building someone up to be something that they aren't makes them fall farther and harder.

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