Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Worst Mom Ever

It is funny how mom's fall from grace around the time kids reach the age of 5. Before then we are the magical being who can do no wrong. Something sinister happens around kindergarten that changes the mom from a queen to an evil witch. That is also the time kids begin to emerge from their needy, dependent baby faces into opinionated, questioning monsters. Mothers that used to receive kisses and hugs for their efforts now receive eye rolls and hair tosses.

Dinner is never right and the chores are too many and too hard. The shirts you wear are too weird and why is your hair so short. Please don't wear those shoes and I might just die of embarrassment if you talk to me at the bus stop. You love my sister more then me and why does she have so many more sprinkles on her cupcake? You should have known I would forget my lunch money and library book and you should have told me to remember them before I left for school.

Apparently I suck. I am choosing to accept this as the circle of life. Maybe someday my kids will remember that I carried them in my own body for nine months and changed their diapers. Maybe they will realize that I still see them as my babies no matter how old they get. Maybe they will have an epiphany on their wedding day. Maybe they will understand when they have kids of their own. Doubtful but maybe.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Oh no, I am so sorry :( Mom's have the hardest job EVER!