Wednesday, August 19, 2009

15 years... August 20, 2009

So many times I look at my life and am so thankful for the person I have found to share it with. The strength and respect that I feel between us would carry me through anything. All of our most important events that we have shared have become like building blocks for our lifetime together. Happy events like new houses and babies are as integral to who we are as the ones that aren't as happy like lost jobs and injuries. When our three girls look at us together as their mom and dad and as a married couple I hope that they see commitment, happiness and a love they aspire too. They would be so lucky to find a man like their father to share life with. When I think of all the couples I know in different stages of their relationship I know that each love story is as unique as a fingerprint. None are the same and no one can fully understand unless they are living the story. In our case an epic romance.


For Kicks and Giggles said...

and the love story prevails...happy 15th anniversary guys! Enjoy your date!

Stacy said...

Happy Anniversary!! Great post!

Jillian said...

Happy anniversary!!