Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Child is a Curly Dimpled Lunatic **Ralph Waldo Emerson

As a first time mom I remember scouring the shelves of the bookstore for parenting advice. Books that would tell me what to do...how to parent. Books written by experts who knew the answers to my many questions. I just knew that I could find someone who would make me the best parent out there. The truth is that all those authors of all those books can go stick their respective heads in doo doo. I remember reading book after book and trying all the different ideas and nothing worked. The truth is parenting is not something that you can read about in a book or learn about from a friend. Good parenting comes with trial and error. Many many errors. The worst part is that you think you are good to go with a second or third kid after you have a first but that is just not true. Parenting is not a blanket. It doesn't cover every type of kid. Some need quilts others need comforters and still others sleep with no blanket at all. There is no expert out there who can dictate a sure fire way to solve all those hurdles we come upon while trying to raise our kids. There is not text book tantrum or perfect punishment. No one can translate their parenting into what works for me or you. Just as no one should judge the way a person chooses to parent their own child. We are all learning and facing new challenges every single day.
This summer is bringing many new opportunities to practice different parenting techniques. Most of the time I feel like I am running around smashing knuckles with my husband saying "wonder twin powers activate in the form of a good parent!!"( OK I know I am dating my self here :) Trying to find the right super power to tackle each diverse issue that a 12, 9 and 6 year old can bestow upon us. Each super power we transform into might work for one child but never for another. Thank goodness we are a dynamic duo and can usually come together to thwart evil and teach a lesson.

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