Sunday, March 7, 2010


The only time I ever really spanked any of my kids was when there was an issue of danger involved. I remember once, as a toddler, one of them slipped from my grasp and ran in a parking lot squealing and laughing. She ran toward our parked car in the middle of traffic. I was running behind holding a squirming baby yelling desperately for her to stop. Goosebumps popped up on my arms as cars screeched to a halt to avoid pounding in to her. My fear was palpable yet she continued to smile and run from me. She had no idea of the danger she was in or the terror I felt. She was invincible in her own eyes. No realization of the fragility of life.
Similarly I remember being a teenager and taking risks that were big. Thinking that nothing bad could happen to me. Seat belts? Why? I would be OK no matter what.
Now I see that the only thing that can make you see that life is not invincible is life itself. Experiencing the tragedies and hardships of life are the best teachers out there. Seeing things with your own eyes tends to ingrain fear and reserve into your thinking. Realizing there are no super hero's out there who can protect you from the evils of the world does so much to melt away the naivety we all possess as children. The real problem that comes with realizing the reality of our own mortality though is that we become jaded and weary. Sometimes willing to accept whatever is coming without any fight or any joy. At least as a child we could find the joy in life with no fear. Sometimes growing up sucks.

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