Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life Is Unfair....Or Is It??

Sometimes I sit and watch my three girls and observe the differences in their personalities. They are all three such individuals with such unique characters. I often try to get a glimpse into what type of path each one will choose to take in life. Then I start to wonder if the path actually chooses you. Why is one child born knowing how to slide through life easily with no snags while another faces challenge after challenge struggling at every turn? Some kids learn to read and write with little direction as if it was just instinctual. Some kids are automatic people magnets and can mesh with anyone in any situation. Other kids seem to have to fight to stay above water. Academics present as much of a challenge as social situations. I wonder if not being able to sail smoothly is preparing them for something that they will face later on down the road. Maybe they are destined for something that is not easily found. Something that takes practice with patience that they learn as they endure all the struggles of their early demons. Something that seems so unfair now might actually be preparing them for eventual greatness.


Suzanne said...

I thought about this post all day and all night...trying to put my thoughts together. I've always believed the saying "everything happens for a reason", and then Austin died and I've struggled to find the "reason" in that. Since then my life has changed so much and I some days I hardly recognize this "path" I'm on.

I've never understood how it appears some kids sail through with ease, but it has occurred to me that even though it looks easy, they may have other struggles that aren't so easy to see with the naked eye. I can think back in my life to one friend in particular who always had it all together on the almost 30 years later, I can look back and see she was just as insecure as the rest of us and even though it appeared to be and "easy" life, it was hard for her in it's own way...

I think in the end, if we can teach our children to make the best decisions they can with each challenge they are given they will be prepared for what lies ahead. They will know they've tried their best and will be stronger in knowing that...even if the knowledge comes later down the road!

For Kicks and Giggles said...

Boy gals you should have saved this whole conversation for Sunday's 10 miles...pretty deep.